Saturday, September 17, 2011

How an Artificial Eye Can Change the Life of An Eye Loss Patient

Our eyes have a very important role to play in our lives. They eyes provide us with the sense of sight that allows us to see our environment and to see the people that surrounds us. The eyes also add to the uniqueness of a person and provide a person his or her unique identity. If a person loses one of his or her eye, it can be life changing. It can definitely alter their entire lives and it might take a while for them to recover from such ordeal. Eye loss patients even feel ashamed with their current condition and might refuse to go out in public. It is very fortunate that there are ways in order to help these patients to recover from the emotional trauma of losing an eye. They can have an artificial eye made for them in order to match the real eye. These artificial eyes look exactly like the real eye thus making them indistinguishable.
A person can lose their eye for many reasons. The most common reasons for losing an eye are accidents, injury, infection, or disease. An eye surgeon will not take eye removal lightly. In order to avoid such ordeal, it is very important to prevent eye conditions from getting worse. Going to your eye doctor and having your eye condition checked and diagnosed can be a great help. There are many treatments and remedies that can help cure and stop the eye condition from developing. For instance, an eye doctor might suggest the use of scleral lenses since these lenses are very comfortable to wear and they have the capacity to correct vision.
The use of an artificial eye has changed the lives of many patients because it can bring back their self esteem and confidence. It restored their physical appearance thus it makes them feel normal again. A patient can have their artificial eyes manufactured and fitted at 422 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 730 Spokane, WA 99201.